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 Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only

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Join date : 2010-01-10

Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only Empty
PostSubject: Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only   Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only I_icon_minitimeWed May 19, 2010 12:52 pm

I do stupid mistakes. Many people complained about A dormant Menace level 8 not being beatable because the forcefield wouldn't go down. I did a little research and guess what! I didn't change the code in level 8 in order to match 1.02 commands! Way to go!

You can download just the patch from here (3.96 MB .zip):

Or an entire 1.03 repack (74.78 MB 7-zip compressed self-extracting .exe)

If you patched the game to 1.03 and had saved your progress in level 8, the forcefield probably will still not go down. Here is a way to get past the forcefield:
Find "options.ini" in the game directory and open it.
Find the line console=0 and change it to console=1.
Load your saved game and go to the room with the forcefield.
Press the T key. An input field will appear. Input the following line:

This should work. Again, sorry for any inconvenience.
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Join date : 2010-09-12

Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only   Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 12, 2010 6:18 pm

Some problems with downloading repacked 1.03 I have. Any other webhosting do you have? At least these files for you (access via ftp/http) host I can.

Also noticed slowing down on win7 x86_64 I have, fixed can it be?
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Metal Venture version 1.03 - repack & patch only
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