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 the music of the game

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the music of the game Empty
PostSubject: the music of the game   the music of the game I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 17, 2011 3:46 pm

HI at all,

where they found the various music and sound?

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PostSubject: Re: the music of the game   the music of the game I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 18, 2011 10:41 pm

Ahoy there Smile

Voytek Pavlik made most of the music. Just google for him, his work can be found at many websites.
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PostSubject: Re: the music of the game   the music of the game I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2011 2:22 pm


another question:

Is it possible to have the code of this game, I'd like to study it and maybe expand it?

especially as you did the code for the game map?

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PostSubject: Re: the music of the game   the music of the game I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 19, 2011 7:10 pm

For any Game Maker extensions required, google them.

2 basic notes for ya Smile

1) I'm not going to explain what's going on in those lines of code, mainly because it's a pain to sit down and remember which part does what. The code itself is unnecessarily perplexed and without comments for the most part. Sorry about that Crying or Very sad

2) Because of 1, making a significant addition to the game is very hard, unless you are its creator or a Game Maker expert. Furthermore, although anyone is free to modify it, it wouldn't be nice to see variants circulating the net which simply offer 2 color changes, alternate game text, weapons which deal 999 damage etc. Those changes aren't gameplay changes, they are just silly hacks no one will care about. So in my opinion, it's more worth creating a custom world through the editor rather than modifying the game itself. It's not as if so many custom worlds have been made by players, that the game itself has to be changed for a different experience!

That said, good luck with the source Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: the music of the game   the music of the game I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 7:26 pm

Hi vdweller,

Tnk1000 for the code.

I'm not very experienced at GM ... but I want groped to understand the code by studying it.

It will take me a long time ... but I make some attempt to understand and perhaps expanding the rooms.

Thank you very much
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PostSubject: Re: the music of the game   the music of the game I_icon_minitime

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